
Software Engineer.
I deal with programming 3rd grade and I am keen on everything related to web development, starting from web application architecture, middleware systems, and databases.
At age of 16 I started trying to transform my school projects into startups. In 2022 I successfully released my dream and first startup - Headstarter. The company aims to help high school student preparing them for the life after studying.
In 2021 I started exploring the opportunities in eSports. I used to be competitive LoL coach, analyst, and team manager. Recently, I enjoy more being a color caster rather than managing teams. I am still open to offers for jungle position.
- Birthday: 12 August 2002
- Phone: +359 988 329 931
- City: Sofia, Bulgaria
- Age: 20
- Degree: 1st Year Engineering Technologies
- Email: alex_tsvetanov_2002@abv.bg
Throughout my high school years I did a lot of school projects in order to self-develop. Some of them were related to IT, some of them developed of my hobby - streaming, playing, and analyzing League of legends. Recently, I work with cool eSport organizations and LoL tournaments. I love to cast games, especially when I am a color caster. I've got a lot of awards for the past 12 years. Some of them are listed below.
Alex Tsvetanov
Innovative and deadline-driven Software Developer with 10+ years of experience developing all types of software.
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- (+359) 988-329-931
- alex_tsvetanov_2002@abv.bg
Bachelor of Engineering Technologies
2022 - 2023
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
2021 - 2022
Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Secondary Education
2018 - 2021
Sofia High School of Mathematics, Bulgaria
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
2021 - Present
Technical University, Sofia
The program includes subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Mechanics.
C++ & Algorithms
2014 - 2018
Telerik Kids Academy
Algorithms & Data Structures
2012 - 2017
Telerik Algo Academy
2016 - 2017
Telerik Software Academy
Web Development
2016 - 2017
Telerik Software Academy
Summer Research School
2016 - 2018
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Java Web Development
2017 - 2018
Telerik School Academy
SAP Geeky Camp 5.0
2018 - 2018
Extra-curricular activities
Open Doors Day
2018 - 2020
Sofia High School of Mathematics, Bulgaria
The Open Doors Day was an event where 19 gratuates of Sofia High School of Mathematics spoke about their career development after graduation. I organized the even in 3 editions with the help of the Students' Council. I contacted the lecturers and managed all correspondances with them. Also, I prepared the schedule and set up the servers amd infrastructure for the live stream of the event.
Web Developer
2016 - 2019
Project "Testrain", Bulgaria
The project is a realization of experimental testing of emotional preferences which is developed as a computer simulation of Silvan Tomkins' psychological theory.
Student Mentor
2017 - 2018
Coder Dojo, Bulgaria
I helped Ninjas through the basics of coding and to assist them in their learning by creating their own projects.
Professional Experience
C++ Back-end Engineer
June 2022 - October 2022
PokerStars, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Lead development, and implementation of new feature in the marketing department
- Emergency bug fixes for our serivces
Full Stack Engineer
2021 - 2022
VMware, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Lead development, and implementation of new feature in the pricing department
- Emergency bug fixes for our customers
- Lead sub-initiatives within the company
Software Engineer
2019 - 2020
Codix, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Created and maintained back-end services for 9 international banks
- Developing the services in C/C++, and PL/SQL
Technical Trainer
2017 - 2017
Software University, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Python trainer at private university for practical education in Informatics
An Analytical Outlook towards Digital Training Security Transformations
Minchev Z., Boyanov L., Georgiev A., Tsvetanov A.
2016 - 2017
In Proceeding of ICAICTSEE-2017
Web Developer and Co-founder
2018 - Present
Headstarter, Sofia, Bulgaria
Headstarter is an online platform that connects young people with the business. Everyone can find an internship or job position on the platform that saatisfies their desires and interests. The goals are to help studets choose their professional paths, get acquainted with the workers in their area, and gain experience.
Web developer and Founder
2016 - 2019
TechEdu++, Sofia, Bulgaria
The core aim of the project is to create an online learning management system that combines the best practices in organizing trainings so that it will be interesting, useful, and much more easier for the students.
Runner-up in President's awards "John Atanasov"
Sofia, Bulgaria
Top 10 in International Entrepreneurship Competition with the startup "Headstarter"
Ljubljana, Slovenia
1st place in National Entrepreneurship Competition with the startup "Headstarter"
Sofia, Bulgaria
Bronze medal in International Competition in Algorithmic Programming "John Atanasov"
Shumen, Bulgaria
Bronze medal in International Competition in Algorithmic Programming "John Atanasov"
Shumen, Bulgaria
3rd place in The International Round of the MITE International Competition, Category "Mathematics as a Science", Project "Catalan numbers"
Moscow, Russia
Grand Prize in The National Round of the MITE International Competition, Category "Mathematics as a Science", Project "Catalan numbers"
Sofia, Bulgaria